Blog Post

Aviation Acronyms from A to Z

Captain Jenny Beatty • Jul 14, 2024

A good starting point for those new to aviation

This list of aviation acronyms is a good starting point those new to aviation, although it far from comprehensive – aviation weather has its own codes and aircraft manufacturers have an acronym for every part and component.

  • 99s - The Ninety-Nines, Inc. International Organization of Women Pilots
  • A - Designator for Airbus aircraft, such as A-321
  • AC - Advisory Circulars, FAA memos, documents, and booklets, all free
  • ACS - Airman Certification Standards, FAA document
  • ADM - Aeronautical Decision-Making
  • ADS-B - Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast satellite tracking system; flight tracking apps use this data
  • AFM - Aircraft Flight Manual
  • AGI – Advanced Ground Instructor certificate
  • AGL - Above Ground Level
  • AIM - Aeronautical Information Manual
  • AME - [FAA-designated] Aviation Medical Examiner, the doctor to see for a medical certificate
  • AOPA - Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association 
  • ASEL - Airplane Single-Engine Land rating
  • ASI - Aviation Safety Inspector, FAA pilot representative responsible for supervising pilots & flight schools
  • ATC - Air Traffic Control or Controller
  • ATIS - Automatic Terminal Information Service, a recording of current weather and runways in use at larger airports
  • ATP - Airline Transport Pilot certificate (also the name of a string of flight schools) (see also: R-ATP)
  • AWOS - Automated Weather Observation System
  • B - Designator for Boeing aircraft, such as B-737
  • BE - Designator for Beechcraft aircraft, such as BE-200
  • C - Designator for Cessna aircraft, such as C-172
  • CAP - Civil Air Patrol, pronounced 'see-ay-pee', not 'cap'
  • CFI - Certificated Flight Instructor 
  • CFII - Certificated Flight Instructor - Instrument
  • CG - Center of Gravity, for aircraft loading and weight and balance
  • CPL - Commercial Pilot License (but it’s really a certificate)
  • CRJ - Informal designator for Canadair regional jet, such as CRJ-700 which is actually a CL-65
  • CRM - Crew Resource Management
  • CTAF - Common Traffic Advisory [radio] Frequency, for pilots to announce position and intentions at airports without control towers
  • DPE - [FAA-] Designated Pilot Examiner who can conduct flight checks to issue pilot certificates and ratings
  • E6B - Circular slide rule for computing flight speed/time/fuel/distance/wind correction; the name is the original parts number from the U.S. Army Air Corps in the 1930s
  • EAA - Experimental Aircraft Association
  • EFB - Electronic Flight Bag, often an iPad
  • ELT - Emergency Locator Transmitter
  • EMB - Designator for Embraer aircraft, such as EMB-175
  • ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
  • F/A - Flight Attendant
  • FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
  • FAR - Federal Aviation Regulation(s)
  • FBO - Fixed-Base Operator, airport business that sells fuel, rent planes, offers flight instruction and charters
  • FO - First Officer in airline operations (co-pilot, informally) (see also: SIC)
  • FSDO - Flight Standards District Office, your local FAA office
  • G - Designator for Gulfstream aircraft, such as G-V, pronounced 'gee five' and written G-V, not G-5
  • GA - General Aviation, all of aviation that is not military or airline
  • GPS - Global Positioning System using satellites
  • HIMS - Human Motivational Intervention Study, the recovery / monitoring program for pilots and air traffic controllers with substance abuse or dependence; also denotes AMEs specially trained in these and other mental health and cognitive issues (see also: AME)
  • IACRA - Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application, the FAA online form
  • ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization, a UN agency
  • IFR - Instrument Flight Rules (see also: VFR)
  • ILS - Instrument Landing System with precision vertical and lateral guidance to a runway
  • IMC - Instrument Meteorological Conditions (see also: VMC)
  • IOE - Initial Operating Experience, flights at a new company made under the supervision of a check pilot 
  • IR - Instrument Rating
  • K - International designator for U.S. airports when four letters are used, such as KLAX for LAX
  • LPA - Latino Pilots Association 
  • LTA - Lighter-Than-Air (balloons)
  • ME - Multi-Engine rating or flight time
  • MEI - Multi-Engine Flight Instructor
  • MEL - Minimum Equipment List to determine if aircraft can be dispatched with inoperative items
  • MX - Maintenance
  • N - International designator for U.S.-registered aircraft, informally called N-number or tail number, such as aircraft registration N123AB
  • NGPA - National Gay Pilots Association
  • NORDO - No radio aircraft
  • NOTAMs - Notices to Air Missions, alerts about temporary runway closures, for example
  • NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board 
  • NWS - National Weather Service, source of official aviation weather reports and forecasts 
  • OBAP - Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals 
  • PA - Designator for Piper aircraft, such as PA-28)
  • PAPA - Professional Asian Pilots Association
  • PAPI – Precision Approach Path Indicator next to some runways to assist pilot on landing (see also: VASI)
  • PAX - Passenger(s)
  • PIC - Pilot-in-Command (Captain in airline operations) (see also: SIC)
  • PIREP - Pilot Report, a weather observation
  • POH - Pilot’s Operating Handbook
  • PPL - Private Pilot License (but it’s really a certificate)
  • PTT - Push-To-Talk switch to transmit on radio
  • R-ATP - Restricted-privileges Airline Transport Pilot certificate (see also: ATP)
  • RNAV - Area Radio Navigation
  • SAR - Search And Rescue operations
  • SE - Single-Engine rating or flight time
  • SIC - Second-in-Command (First Officer in airline operations, and co-pilot informally) (see also: PIC)
  • SIGMET - Significant Meteorological Information, a bad weather alert
  • SOPs - Standard Operating Procedures
  • SOS - Sisters of the Skies
  • STOL - Short Take-Off and Landing
  • TAF - Terminal Area Forecast, weather forecast for an airport
  • TFR - Temporary Flight Restriction, restricted airspace for events such as when the President flies into town or for aerial firefighting operations
  • TT - Total Time of flight hours logged by a pilot
  • UAS - Unmanned Aerial Systems, or drones
  • UNICOM - Universal Communication radio frequency to communicate with FBOs
  • UTC - Universal Coordinated Time
  • V - Velocity or speed, such as Vx best-angle-of-climb speed
  • VASI - Visual Approach Slope Indicator next to some runways to assist pilot on landing (see also: PAPI)
  • VFR - Visual Flight Rules (see also: IFR)
  • VMC - Visual Meteorological Conditions (see also: IMC)
  • VOR - VHF Omni Range radio navigation aid
  • VTOL - Vertical Take-Off & Landing (helicopters)
  • WAI - Women in Aviation, International
  • Z - UTC was previously called Zulu time (see: UTC)
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